Sunday, October 7, 2012

Shyness Is A Part of Life

  Sometimes shyness is a problem among the people in the world, they solve their shyness with plastic surgery, hiding themselves in the closet or maybe wear a mask to go somewhere. Shyness can makes people crazy because shyness can makes people not confidence.
  Shyness also needed when people who has much confidence like celebrity/model to get along with their competitors. An incident that illustrates shyness is when you are a confidence person, you feel someday that anyone look more pretty than you and you suggested to have a plastic surgery.
  Plastic surgery is popular among the people who have shyness because they shy of themselves and like to be another person rather than be themselves. And also shyness is not about plastic surgery only, when a person is on new neighbourhood , they like to get shy of themselves because it's gonna be difficult to adapt with every person you don't know before.
That's my opinion.

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