Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Essay 3


“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou , that's a good topic which is match with my post. However, children doesn't like to be educated by their parents nowadays because many research said the reason is they felt like being in controlled and felt immature. Automatically it will affect the children to be a rude and a bad boy if children refuse to be educated. Education it's not really about formal things, it's also has informal things like education in home and it's really really important. It's parents responsibility to take care of children attitude and behaviour. I would like to state the arguments of this topic.

The first argument. Nowadays, children likes to blame their parents eventhough parents teach children with a good attitude and behaviour. That kind of attitude it's not really appropriate and it's not polite because like i said earlier it'll just makes the children become rude and naughty and stubborn as well. Maybe they think that against their parents rules it's cool and it's a trend, but it's not. When they grow up, they will just ignoring elder people even act rude to them. I have seen many evidence that kid who don't like to be teach about behaviour and attitude, it's when me went out of my house to buy some stuffs and i see a boy and a mother, the boy was asking to her mother to buy a toy but the mother couldn't buy it for the kid because she doesn't has enough money, the boy cannot accept it and still forcing her mother and suddenly she said a harsh word to his mom and he just left his mother alone. See? what will you be in the future if you did something like that, all you can do is just forcing and do something bad.

The second argument. At young age, we as a teenager likes to do something bad, likes abusing something or maybe someone. As you all know, why i said and i agreed that children should be educated by their parents, everyone will respect you and also respect your parents because from the parents they are the most influences people around you, if you're parents shows something bad to you of course you will get influence from what they did. Many abusing things that happen among the children nowadays, such as an internet abuse, drug abuse. Those two things are the most concerned case. Maybe some parents didn't allowed their children to have an internet on their room because they may scared if the children will open an adult site. But, for me if i were a parent i will let them to have an internet on their room, just in case for them to know the responsibility of using an internet, it can also said that i'm teach the children about responsibility so they will get the good benefit and never think in the future that they would like to abuse people.

Some other people would like to agree that children should not be educated by their parents. In my opinion, they seems it's useless because eventhough the children had been taught by their parents but still the children will makes something bad. It also got a support from that state because many teens like i said a while ago likes to having a bad trend on their life and if everything around the children are bad influences automatically the children will get affected.

So, my point talking about this topic because it's really happens and it's really worried nowadays because many teenagers can't take care of their attitudes and it's just makes them embarrassed themselves. For all parents, it's not your fault, this is your kid's fault. Within years by years when entering 2000's, teenagers in USA become more rude with their parents and their attitude as well. It's not also happen in USA, it's Universal problem now it's also happen in Asia country like Japan, Japanese teenagers today likes to fight and act like a mafia to make them look tough. But the cases it's not that, it's about your pride of yourself and how makes you look wise. So I persuade you to become and have a good attitude and behaviour (especially teenagers) !

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