Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Essay 2

I am Happy to Moved to The Philippines!

"Mabuhay!!!" That's what i heard from Philippines Airlines and it's really makes me excited because it's my first time came to Philippines, because eventhough we look alike but the country is a lot different between my country, Indonesia. Yeah, it's different from the government and the history amongst the past years, my country was colonised by the Japan, Netherlands, and England as well but i don't see my country got any benefit from that. Even Philippines was colonised by Spain only, they got benefit from it such as some language in tagalog were influenced by Spanish and their name were influenced by Spanish. The most thing that makes me excited of Philippines is about 80% of the population are Catholic and they really religious and faithful. 

I am now leaving in Philippines, precisely in Makati and i'm studies in here at Asia Pacific College and i'm first year student. I moved from Jakarta, Indonesia 'the city of traffic', it's almost everyday has traffic. Philippines also has a traffic but it's not almost everyday it's only traffic on Monday and Friday. The situations in here are very different, different weather and different kind of people. There's always a clear skies in Philippines but when i first moved here it's always rainy and foggy. When i were on the airplane going from Jakarta to Manila, the airplane was shaking because of the weather and it's kinda scary because that's the first time i ride an airplane was shaking so badly.

Like I said earlier that I moved on from Jakarta to Philippines, i live alone and do everything by myself. It's a really tough challenge because i never do it before and i'm really excited about it because it's kinda free to do anything in here but still i need to have a responsibility of my own. I live in Condominium with one bedroom. The first thing i really want to tell you that when i had my class during the first day i was thinking that "hmm, i think it's really difficult to adapt with them and i need time to get close with them" yeah that's what i thinking. But, when the first day, i already makes friend and she's a girl and she was my ex as well (it's pretty awkward to tell this but it's the reality though)

After several days on my first term on the college i already makes friend with my block 'BM 121' and they really nice, some of them are quite and some of them are noisy but they are very nice with me, it looks like that i'm welcome to get along with them and i'm really excited and happy. Me and them were talking one by one personally to get closer with them. After 2 weeks or more they came to my house and we eat and they are so many, i'm really happy with them because we really enjoy a good time we had a karaoke and they feel really happy in my place.

Days after days, weeks after weeks i have best friends and their name is Mon, Sef and Reggae. From 3 of them, the one who first talking with me about their life is Reggae, he's the oldest (but not really old),  he's telling me many things about his life and he's a really good friend of mine. Secondly is Mon, first we know each other from jollibee on friday, and we talk a lot of things and it's really fun to talk with him, he also the person who brings and tell my classmates to come over my house. Thirdly is Sef, first time i know sef when we were playing basketball and we always sitting on the courtyard of APC when it comes during break time and he telling many things about his life as well and he also a good guitar player as well as Reggae. I trusted 3 of them because they're my best friend. Meanwhile, me, Mon, and Sef have a nickname it's '3 Kalbo Idiots' and it's really hilarious, we shave our hair to keep the brotherhood and the friendship till forever and to makes a motivation.

Yeah...that's a part of my story why I love Philippines and it's really a pleasure to live here and study here. Maraming salamat po!

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