Monday, December 10, 2012

Essay 10


  Teddy Bear is the most comfortable doll or maybe comfortable friend. My name is Teddy but i'm not Teddy Bear, i'm just joking. Okay here we go. Had you all watching Ted the movie? it's a really good movie for me because it's all about friendship and also has the love story in it, this movie teach me a lot of things and i will tell you about the good things about this movie. This story is between John and Ted The Teddy Bear, and they have a really long friendship with each other.

  First of all i will tell you the beginning of the story, it was on 1985 Christmas when John was about 12 years old and he has no friends and he keeps complain to himself why he doesn't has any friends and he told it his parents, and his parents bought him a Teddy Bear which is can talk if press the button. When he playing with it and he sleep with the Teddy Bear he caught himself talking with the Teddy Bear and the Teddy Bear can really talking, and it's really makes John surprised and he really happy that he has friend. But, when he told the Teddy Bear can really talks, the parents don't believe him and when Teddy Bear was approach them and talk with them they shocked and they happy as well that John has friend eventhough it's just a doll. And The Teddy Bear name is Ted and this was when the friendship was started.
On 2012, John is already an adult and has worked already but he still with his best friend Ted and their friendships have been for 27 years and it's the long friendship, isn't it? John also has girlfriend too, her name is Lori. John loves Lori as well he loves Ted. I will straight out to the point, there's a part of the movie that the situation makes him to choose between Ted or Lori, and he decides to choose Lori which is his girlfriend and he also asked Ted to move out but it's Lori's will not John, actually John doesn't want to do it. Before that, Ted always helps John and Lori's relationship and Ted always gave John an advice whether it's a relationship or job problems. Somehow, Ted and John were fighting and after the fight they realise that they never be separated and they always together because Ted said that "i knew you for 27 years and it's before her knew you" that's a true thing about life especially in friendship because someone who know you for a long time will never be separated. 

That's why I really like Ted The Movie, it's kinda related with me back in the day. My friendship with my best friend is very good and we have a good chemistry among 3 of us. Ted represents the 2 of my best friend because they always there for me whether I sad or happy and always gave me a good advice. And we will never be separated, three of us.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Essay 9

WWF Attitude Era is Awesome

   "If you smellllllleeeeed what The Rock? Is Cocky?" That's my favourite line from The Rock a.k.a Dwayne Johnson. Yeah! He's one of the famous wrestler back in the day during the WWF (Attitude Era) not the 'WWE' . It said Attitude Era because it was defined by a radical shift in programming content. In contrast to the more traditional family-friendly content that was common in WWF programming, the Attitude Era sought to attract the young adult demographic by transforming the product into an edgier form of entertainment. It's has more gore, violence and blood but still an entertainment. There are many superstars in WWF but the most making jaw-drop are The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Big Show, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. In this era the chairman of WWF Vincent Mcmahom always includes in every episode on every weeks and it's more dramatic and cool because the owner itself play a role.

   For me WWF Attitude Era is really awesome! Because WWE now is just like an entertainment show there's no  blood when the wrestles got hit by the steel chair and they cannot also hit the head of the wrestlers anymore because it was one of the reasons why Chris Benoit got a black spot on his brain when he got autopsy. Back on the day WWF was not for a kids but it's for an adults, but still kids still watching it whether on TV or live. WWF really famous with the line "Wherever You Are, Whenever You Are, Please Don't Try This at Home". But it's became controversy because many kids try it at their home and also a few of the kids died because of the impact.

   Now it's become WWE because it became controversy with the organization of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and on 2002 it's officially changed to WWE and it's PG era. The famous superstars of this era are John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus. The WWF attitude era superstars are more famous and making jaw-drop. This era prohibited to hit the head with any objects and it's more of the talking and very different between WWF especially in Attitude Era. Many people now miss WWF especially Attitude Era because in this era now they only see kids everywhere in the arena but i think it's the strategy of the WWE Chairman & CEO's Vince K. Mcmahon for makes WWE more accepted on public whether on TV or kids. And it's become profit it's more accepted, statistic shown that the profit grown $39.83 million (2012)

Essay 8


Who has been experienced an exorcism? maybe you look it or you do it? What did you feel when you experienced? did you feel terrified? or maybe you feel amazed because you seen it on real life not just like on the movie? What is exorcism? The meaning for Exorcism from Wikipedia is the religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area which they are believed to havepossessed.Possessed or spirit possession is a paranormal or supernatural event in which it is said that animas, demons, extraterrestrials, gods, spirits, or other disincarnate entities take control of a human body. There are many exorcism in every religions.
- Christianity 
• In Catholic Christianity, exorcisms are performed in the name of Jesus Christ.
• A distinction is made between a formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest during a baptism or with the permission of a Bishop, and "prayers of deliverance" which can be said by anyone.
- Islam
• In Islam, exorcism is called ruqya. It is used to repair the damage caused by sihr or witchcraft. Exorcisms today are part of a wider body of contemporary Islamic alternative medicine called al-Tibb al-Nabawi (Medicine of the Prophet)
• Islamic exorcisms consist of the treated person lying down, while a white-gloved therapist places a hand on a patient’s head while chanting verses from the Quran.[11] The drinking of holy water may also take place
- Hinduism

• Beliefs and practices pertaining to the practice of exorcism are prominently connected with Hindus. Of the four Vedas (holy books of the Hindus), the Atharva Veda is said to contain the secrets related to magic and alchem

Every possessed person will feel unconscious because of the pressure of power that impact and control the person’s body. But, I’m not gonna tell you much about the possession but about the exorcism. The possession always been compared with an epileptic disease which is the person got a convulsive or seizures. For every scientist whose not believe in God, they will compare it. Because study shown that the victim got a seizures which is also makes the victim got strain. But for the priest whose believe in God, they see it as a demon or spirit possession. For the cure, scientist will give a medicine such as Dilantin® (phenytoin), in use since 1938 in U.S.A, they will give drugs for the patient to prevent the seizures. But, for the priest or father, they will use an exorcism. Exorcism from what I said earlier is the religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area which they are believed to have possessed. 

There is also an exorcism by un-holy person (un-priest). In Africa, they calling grand grand parents spirits to helps removing the devil soul

But Exorcism sometimes proven as a contra for some sides because it’s letting the patient to get worst. If you watching ‘The Exorcism of Emily Rose’ you will see about two sides who defend and against father moore who did an exorcism on Emily Rose which is on the movie that Emily Rose died because of exorcism and the exorcism let her not to take the medical examination. She was claimed as a people with an epileptic disease because she had a demonic illustration or paranoid and she used to get seizures and Emily Rose is also feel terrified with God thing. Anyway, I have an experiences with the exorcism , what did I see and I feel about possessed person is the person got seizures and they were unconscious and they also act weird with God thing which is they will get mad on praise the Lord, etc. What I do with the exorcism, I’m asking permission from God to belong with Him and used His power to remove the demon from his/her body and I also push the thumb to pushover the demon power, believe it or not with faith on God it’s moved out.

Exorcism also happen in real life due to person who have demonic possession. It’s a life of Anneliese Michel. Was born on Klingenberg, Bavaria, Germany, September 21 1952 and died on July 1 1976. Cause of death : dehydration and malnourishment . Other symptoms : die because of preventing the medical way with exorcism. And she also have schizophrenia. The evidence that she is got possessed Anneliese avoided walking past a particular image of Jesus, and that she refused to drink water from a holy spring.

From this post, I ensure you to know about how everyone see about the exorcism work for some people, especially two sides like the scientist (whose not believed in God) and the priest (who believed in God) we can see how good is God with his power and miracle that the person who possessed become cured. So, it’s your choice to choose which side are you.

Essay 7


Have you ever been called "ugly"?
Have you ever been called "Fat"?
Has someone made you feel totally insecure about your appearance? 
Everyone in this room has probably been bullied at least once in their life.
It’s not the best feeling is it? It makes one feel insecure, humiliated and very uncomfortable. It has the power to destroy lives, mentally and physically. 
Studies have showed that 1 out of 6 students are harassed or bullied at least once a week in Australian schools.
An alarming fact is that 40% of suicide victims had been bullied at school. 

Bullying behaviour is no longer confined to the school room, or playground but throughout adulthood as well. Bullying behaviour can be communicated via text, mobile phones, internet, social networking sites, forums and so on. There are many types of bullying, you may think calling some a nasty name is what bullying is all about but there is more to bullying.
- Physical Bullying: is being hit, kicked, pinched or tripped
- Verbal Bullying is being called names, teased, put downs, and insults 
- Psychological bullying is being threatened, stalked or manipulated
- Social bullying is being ignored, having rumours spread about you, or telling lies about you. 
- Sexual bullying is unwanted touching or bushing against someone, picking on someone because of their sexual preference.
- Cyber bullying is, insulting someone in chat rooms, sending cruel or threatening emails, text messages, or spreading rumours using mobile phones. 

Bullying is a serious problem in our society today. Victims are not the problem, the bullies are. So why do bullies bully? There are a lot of reasons why some people bully. They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge. Some people bully to get attention, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves. Some bullies don't understand how damaging their behaviour is and how it makes the person being bullied feel. Bullies just like the feeling of being powerful and in control. Sometimes it’s hard to work out why bullies pick on some people but one thing is for sure, it’s not the fault of the person who is being picked on. Bullies generally go for people who are different in any way it could be physical, mentally, religion culture or sexuality. Anyone who seems like an easy target. People who are smaller or younger than the bully. People who are sensitive, who may cry or get upset. Someone who does not have many friends or maybe new in the area. A bully can also be an older person, or someone in a position of power such as a teacher, parent or boss. 

Something needs to be done to stop people using the power of bullying to make others feel bad. 
There are many different things people might be able to do if they are being bullied. Different strategies can work in different situations. If you are being bullied you might try and work it out by yourself. However, if the bullying doesn't stop you might find it helpful to ask someone else for advice and help. Don't be afraid to let someone know that you are being bullied - they can help you. If no one believes or takes you seriously tell someone else, keep telling people until someone helps you. What can you do if you see someone else being bullied? 
If you see someone else being bullied you should always try to stop it. If you do nothing, you're saying that bullying is okay with you.
It's always best to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
You should show the bully that you think what they're doing is stupid and mean. Help the person being bullied to tell an adult they can trust.

To all those people who get a thrill or feel powerful when they pick on someone or call someone a nasty name like ‘ you fat ugly pig’ you need to take a long look at yourself. Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are bullying. How would you feel if you were told ‘you are worthless’ or ‘you are ugly’. How would you feel knowing that everyday you come to school you will be kicked and pushed? How would you feel if the person you have been bullying for months committed suicide because the could not cope with the put downs, could you really live with yourself? 
time you feel the urge to have a go at someone, just stop and think for one second WHAT AM I DOING. What are the consequences of my actions? Maybe you can be a better person and not need the power of bullying.

Essay 6


"I'm thinking two is better than one" That's a song that describe someone is better to have a 'partner' like a girlfriend/boyfriend or maybe crush, but for me it's not worth it or worthless it's only waste your time. For me, it's just a matter of status so everyone couldn't say that you are forever alone. Although, you still have friends, best friends and mot important is family. I make this post because I experienced it and it's just waste your time, especially if you crying for someone that you loved but he/she doesn't even loved you at all. It's worthless, right? You can keep going on without having a relationship with a partner.

It's also my experienced to be hurt because she didn't gave her love like me gave her my love and it's feel really hurt. I used to feel like this but this one was really hurts me because i was about to dump her but she dumped me early. So I don't have any words to say in front of her. All day I can do is just listening to sad songs or metal, screamo songs to release my emotion or sad feelings, doesn't mean i'm an emo, I just can't stand it. I was make a stupid decision to court her again and i'm thinking "there is a lot of stuffs you can do, Ted" and my best friends also told me to move on and makes myself busy. My best friends, always there for me, they always come to my place and only them I can share everything and have fun with them. Yes, they are the 2 Kalbos and they are a very good friend to have.

My point for the conclusion is makes yourself busy, don't think about love thing, love can makes you happy but also can destroy you, I mean love in a relationship / for someone. Think about future there are many things we need to do to makes ourselves success, makes your time worth it and thinks about future and your life, because time is precious and you can't buy time so use your time!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Essay 5

My Mom and Dad are My Heroes

   Do you ever have a hero in your life? or even heroes? if you have, who is your hero? everyone should has a hero in his life. For me, my heroes is my mom and my dad and they are the persons who I love so much because they are the only precious and important thing i ever have. My mom is the only one who gave birth to me and raised me, my dad is the only one who always kept working for our family and both of them are my inspirations. Without them, we are nothing we are just like stone on the middle of the road because we need love and careness from them and also without them we are nothing everyone won't see or respect us. Can you imagine how's your life without a mother and a father? it could be feel really empty and you might be really miss to be loved by them. My mom is an intelligent woman and a wise woman, and my dad is an intelligent and wise man as well as my mom and they are an optimistic. I would like to describe my mother and my father physically, my mom has a pointed long nose, short wavy hair, white skin and a bit fat now but when my mom was a girl she used to has a slim body and long hair. She has a mix blood of Netherlands, so she looks like a Holland woman and she also tall for an Indonesian woman because she has 5 foot and 4 inches tall. My dad has a pointed nose but not really long as my mother, curly hair, with light beard, black skin and bloated belly but when he was a teenager, he used to has a shape and ripped muscles and many girls likes my father and his hair looks like 80's with semi afro side headed skin. My dad is really tall for Indonesian, he has 5 foot and 7.4 inches which is 175 cm. Both of my parents are Indonesian, so i am Indonesian.

   My mom is a very intelligent woman and a wise woman. She usually manages our family financial in our home and she is a really disciplined person. When I was a young stubborn kid she always gave me a good advice. My mom was born in a strict family tradition, but my mom is a stubborn person as well as me but when she grew up she changes a lot to be mature and many guys likes her. My mom is a pretty woman, she has a pointed long nose and white skin and look alike Netherlands woman. She is also a servant on the church and she had served for 8 years. My dad is a very intelligent man and a wise man as well as my mom. He usually works for our family 8 hours a day and it's his responsibility to feed their family and keep on living. He is a quite guy but not that quite, back on the day when i makes a mistake he's just saying to me for not doing it again but with seriously, he also a funny guy sometimes me and him always laughing all the time, teasing around with his tummy why it's so bloated. They've been in a hard time back in the day but now everything is fine, thankfully to God.

   Anyway, whenever my mom meets everyone, especially an elder person she always respects them and she always smiles at them. She is a very polite and very kind person, whenever her relatives came to her, she always help them. My mom always helps people and kind with a people because she is also always feels pity. But, everytime my mom did a good thing for them, they always reply it with a bad behaviour. My mom is a very patient woman, she won't mind the bad people, she will just pray for them who did a bad thing to her. My father is kinda different with my mom because when everytime he met people like our neighbourhood, he's not always smiling but he's friendly when you know him. But everyone respects my father, as well as my father. My father is a very patient man also, he won't mind the bad people. It's not really different between my mom and my dad, they got some common and that's why they are match.

   Now, my mom's and dad's marriage have been almost for 20 years. My mom used to work on a film company in Indonesia as the creative team. My mom work early before my dad. But, now my mom doesn't work anymore because my dad told her for not working. Me, my sister and my parents live happily. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Essay 4


  "Viva Ronaldo Viva Ronaldo Running down the wing Hear United sing Viva Ronaldo" That's what i heard when every time i watched Manchester United's game and it's really makes me excited and makes me goosebump because he is my idol. If you don't know Cristiano Ronaldo, i will write post about him. Cristiano Ronaldo has gone from a small island in the middle of the ocean to the top of the soccer world. Born on Funchal, Madeira, Portugal February 5th 1985 born as Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. He grew up in a small house in the city of Funchal and began playing soccer for a youth team in Madeira, where his dad was the team's equipment manager. Ronaldo began his career as a youth player for Andorinha, where he played for two years, before moving to C.D. Nacional. In 1997, he made a move to Portuguese giants Sporting Clube de PortugalAt just 12 years old Cristiano moved 600 miles to Lisbon, which is on the mainland of Portugal, to play for Sporting Lisbon's youth team. The move was a difficult one for Cristiano, since he was away from his family and many of his teammates made fun of his Madeiran accent. While some kids chose to tease Cristiano about his accent, no one was teasing him about his soccer skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring abilities made him a teenage super-star. He played his first game for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17 and quickly became known as one of the most exciting young soccer players in the world.

Sporting Club de Portugal
   Ronaldo joined Sporting's other youth players who trained at the Academia Sporting, the club's football academy, in Alcochete. He became the only player ever to play for Sporting's under-16, under-17, under-18, B-team, and the first team, all within one season. He scored two goals in his league debut on 7 October 2002, which Sporting CP won 3–0 against Moreirense, while featuring for Portugal in the 2002 European Under-17 Championship.
   At the age of 15 Ronaldo was diagnosed with a racing heart, a condition that might have forced him to give up playing football. The Sporting staff were made aware of the condition and Ronaldo's mother gave her authorisation for him to go into hospital. While there, he had an operation in which a laser was used to cauterise the area of his heart that was causing the problem. The surgery took place in the morning and Ronaldo was discharged from hospital by the end of the afternoon; he resumed training only a few days later.
   In November 2002, Ronaldo was invited to Arsenal's training ground, London Colney to meet manager Arsène Wenger and his coaching staff. Wenger, who was interested in signing the midfielder had arranged to meet Ronaldo's representatives, Formation (who suggested the player originally to Gérard Houllier, then Liverpool's manager) in the subsequent months to discuss a transfer arrangement. However he came to the attention of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson in the summer of 2003, when Sporting defeated United 3–1 in the inauguration of the Estádio José Alvalade in Lisbon. Ronaldo's performance impressed the Manchester United players, who urged Ferguson to sign him. Ronaldo caught the attention of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson, who signed him for £12.24 million (€15 million) in 2003 at the age 18.

Manchester United2003–2006

   Ronaldo made his team debut as a 60th-minute substitute in a 4–0 home victory over Bolton Wanderers. He scored his first goal for Manchester United with a free kick in a 3–0 win over Portsmouth on 1 November 2003. Ronaldo ended his first season in English football by scoring the opening goal in United's 3–0 FA Cup final victory over Millwall. Ronaldo became Manchester United's first-ever Portuguese player when he signed for €15 million (£12.24 million) after the 2002–03 season. He requested the number 28 (his number at Sporting), as he did not want the pressure of living up to the expectation linked to the number 7 shirt, which had previously been worn by players such as George BestBryan RobsonEric Cantona, and David Beckham. "After I joined, the manager asked me what number I'd like. I said 28. But Ferguson said 'No, you're going to have No. 7,' and the famous shirt was an extra source of motivation. I was forced to live up to such an honour." He scored United's 1000th Premier League goal on 29 October 2005 in a 4–1 loss to Middlesbrough. 

Ronaldo playing against Chelsea in April 2006.
   He scored ten goals in all competitions, and fans voted him to his first FIFPro Special Young Player of the Year award in 2005. He was sent off in the Manchester derby at the City of Manchester Stadium on 14 January 2006 (a game which United lost 3–1) for kicking City's former United player Andrew Cole
   Ronaldo won his second trophy in English football in the 2005–06 season, scoring the third goal in Manchester United's 4–0 Football League Cup final victory over Wigan Athletic.


Ronaldo with United during their 2006–2007 season.
The 2006–2007 season proved to be the breakout year for Ronaldo, as he broke the 20 goal barrier for the first time and picked up his first league title with Manchester United.
In November and December 2006, Ronaldo received consecutive Barclays Player of the Month honours, becoming only the third player in Premier League history to do so after Dennis Bergkamp in 1997 and Robbie Fowler in 1996. He scored his 50th Manchester United goal against city rivals Manchester City on 5 May 2007 as United claimed their first Premier League title in four years, and he was voted into his second consecutive FIFPro Special Young Player of the Year award at the end of the year.
Despite rumours circulating in March 2007 that Real Madrid were willing to pay an unprecedented €80 million (£54 million) for Ronaldo, he signed a five-year, £120,000-a-week (£31 million total) extension with United on 13 April, making him the highest-paid player in team history.
Ronaldo amassed a host of personal awards for the season. He won the PFA Players' Player of the Year and PFA Young Player of the Year awards, joining Andy Gray (in 1977) as the only players to receive this honour. In April, he completed the treble by winning the PFA Fans' Player of the Year. He also won the PFA Fans' Player of the Year and the FWA Footballer of the Year, becoming the first player to win all four main PFA and FWA awards. Ronaldo was also one of eight Manchester United players named in the 2006–07 PFA Premier League Team of the Year.

Ronaldo and Carlos Tévez prior to a Champions League match.
Ronaldo's 2007–08 season began with a red card for a headbutt on Portsmouth player Richard Hughes during United's second match of the season, for which he was punished with a three-match ban. Ronaldo said he had "learned a lot" from the experience and would not let players "provoke" him in the future. After scoring the only goal in a Champions League away match against Sporting, Ronaldo also scored the injury-time winner in the return fixture as Manchester United topped their Champions League group.
He finished as the runner-up to Kaká for the 2007 Ballon d'Or, and was third in the running for the FIFA World Player of the Year award, behind Kaká and Lionel Messi.
Ronaldo scored his first hat trick for Manchester United in a 6–0 win against Newcastle United at Old Trafford on 12 January 2008, bringing Manchester United up to the top of the Premier League table. He scored his twenty-third league goal of the season in a 2–0 win against Reading, equalling his entire total for the 2006–07 season. During a 1–1 Champions League first knockout round draw against Lyon on 20 February, an unidentified Lyon supporter continuously aimed a green laser at Ronaldo and United teammate Nani, prompting an investigation by UEFA. One month later, Lyon were fined CHF5,000 (£2,427) for the incident.
On 19 March 2008, Ronaldo captained United for the first time in his career in a home win over Bolton, scoring both goals in the 2–0 victory. The second of the goals was his 33rd of the campaign, which set a new club single-season scoring record by a midfielder and thus topped George Best's forty-year-old total of 32 goals in the 1967–68 season. Ronaldo scored another brace in a 4–0 win over Aston Villa on 29 March, which at the time gave him 35 goals in 37 domestic and European matches as both a starter and substitute. Ronaldo's scoring streak was rewarded with his becoming the first winger to win the 2007–08 European Golden Shoe, finishing eight points ahead of Mallorca's Dani Güiza.
"Ronaldo is better than George Best and Denis Law, who were two brilliant and great players in the history of United."
Three-time Ballon d'Or winner Johan Cruyff in an interview on April 2008.
In the 2007–08 Champions League final on 21 May against league rivals Chelsea, Ronaldo scored the opening goal after 26 minutes, which was negated by a Chelsea equaliser in the 45th minute as the match ended 1–1 after extra time. His misfire in the penalty shoot-out put Chelsea in position to win the trophy, but John Terry shot wide right after slipping on the pitch surface, and Manchester United emerged victorious 6–5 on penalties. Ronaldo was named the UEFA Fans' Man of the Match, and wrapped up the campaign with a career-high 42 goals in all competitions, falling four short of Denis Law's team-record mark of 46 in the 1963–64 season. In the Champions League he was also named best forward and player of the tournament and was the competition's top goalscorer.

Ronaldo and Manchester United against Albert Riera and rivals Liverpool.
On 5 June 2008, Sky Sports reported that Ronaldo had expressed an interest in moving to Real Madrid if they offered him the same amount of money the team had allegedly promised him earlier in the year. Manchester United filed a tampering complaint with FIFA on 9 June over Madrid's alleged pursuit of Ronaldo, but FIFA declined to take any action. Speculation that a transfer would happen continued until 6 August, when Ronaldo confirmed that he would stay at United for at least another year.
Ronaldo underwent ankle surgery at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam on 7 July. He returned to action on 17 September in United's goalless UEFA Champions League group stage draw with Villarreal as a substitute for Park Ji-Sung, and scored his first goal of the season in a 3–1 League Cup third round win over Middlesbrough on 24 September.
In a 5–0 win over Stoke City on 15 November 2008, Ronaldo scored his 100th and 101st goals in all competitions for Manchester United, both from free kicks. The goals also meant that Ronaldo had now scored against each of the other 19 teams in the Premier League at the time. On 2 December, Ronaldo became Manchester United's first Ballon d'Or recipient since George Best in 1968. He finished with 446 points, 165 ahead of runner-up Lionel Messi. He was awarded the Silver Ball after finishing with two goals as United won the Club World Cup on 19 December.
On 8 January 2009, Ronaldo was uninjured in a single-car accident in which he wrote off his Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano in a tunnel along the A538 nearManchester Airport. A breathalyser test he gave to police officers at the scene was negative, and he attended training later that morning. Four days later, he became the first Premier League player ever to be named the FIFA World Player of the Year, in addition to being the first Portuguese player to win the award since Luís Figo in 2001.
Ronaldo scored his first Champions League goal of the season, and first since the final against Chelsea, in a 2–0 victory over Internazionale that sent United into the quarter-finals. In the second leg against Porto, Ronaldo scored a 40-yard game-winning goal as United advanced to the semi-finals. For this goal Ronaldo holds the distinction of being the first player to win the FIFA Puskás Award, in 2009, an honour handed by FIFA to the best goal of the year. He later called it the best goal he had ever scored. Ronaldo participated in his second consecutive Champions League final, but made little impact in United's 2–0 loss to Barcelona. He finished with 53 appearances in all competitions, which was four higher than the previous year, but scored sixteen fewer goals (26) than his career-best total of 42 from the previous season.
On 11 June 2009, Manchester United accepted an unconditional offer of £80 million from Real Madrid for Ronaldo after it was revealed that he again had expressed his desire to leave the club. It was confirmed by a representative of the Glazer family that the sale was fully condoned by Ferguson. When Ronaldo had eventually completed his transfer to Real, he expressed his gratitude towards Ferguson for helping him develop as a player, saying, "He's been my father in sport, one of the most important factors and most influential in my career."
Actually there is a lot of Cristiano Ronaldo's story but i only wrote when he was on Manchester United, because i loved him as Manchester United player and also legend, he is the person that i really admire because he has a good determination and disciplinary, he always work hard and the results is always tremendous, that's why i admire him and he is my good influence on sport and even on life.