Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Favorite Animal of All Time! :)

 Everyone likes an animal because we're live together as what God created, especially dog. Many people loves dog because dog is cute and friendly with you, and i'm gonna tell you about my favorite animal and it's dog.
 I have an animal that strongly identified and the animal is dog. Why do i have a special feeling about dog? because i think dog is a cute dog and i have dog in my home. I have 3 dogs in my home and they all male.
  In my opinion, dog have the best nose to smells anything from ratio 150 Meters and also dog is a friendly pet, they can understand human's feeling so well. I told so because when i will going to Philippine my dog feels sad and come after me maybe to said something but i don't understand it.
  My mom taught me how to teach dog, friends with them, and love them because my mom is a dog lovers, she was has 5 dogs when she was a teen. And also dog is a good guardian for your home, they can protect you and care about you if you do same things to them. Dog has a tail, usually a long ear, a nose, a whiskers but not thick as a cat, and the fur is thick also but different kinds different fur it will be, and dog has many breed and the breed is almost from Asia.
  That's my opinion describe an animal that i identify strongly.

My Very Favorite Toy! :)

  Anyone should had a favorite toy as a child, right? That's what childhood mean, you have a favorite toy, candy, etc.Yeah i think you should had. I'm going to describe you about my favorite toy i had as a child.
  I remember when i was a kid i had a favorite toy, and it's my RC kart, my father bought it for me, on that day i was 11th years old, i like sport and automotive. My RC kart is a F1 Mclaren Mercedez and it's so expensive it's colour is silver, and got red stripes and also got black stripes.
  I used to played it in my house, but suddenly if i felt boring because i always play it inside my home. So i bring my RC kart outside and play it on the road. It was nice and smooth but suddenly a motorcycle came and stomped on my RC kart. After that happen my RC kart can be played anymore because the tires is errors.

My Usually Jobs At Home

A job at home? it's like a home work but it's not it's just simply thing you usually do if you live alone by yourself.
  I want to tell you about my jobs that i usually do at home.
I like to staying at home because i'm a homeboy that who likes to stay at home. I know it's not a good things to do. My another reasons that why i like to stay at home because my home is so far away from my friend's home and it takes a hour to go their home. And also i love to sleeping when i feel bored. I usually sleep on the morning and wake up on the afternoon, it's weird right? yeah my mom also told me that i'm weird because i like to sleeping.
  My second jobs is playing guitar at home. I'd love to cover a song with my guitar and chilling with my guitar and singing alone in the room, especially when i feel sad or happy i like to playing guitar and singing a song. Beside i'm playing guitar alone, sometimes when my friend come to my house we usually playing together.
  My third jobs is playing video games at home. It's a typical boy thing who admit himself as a homeboy who likes to stay on his room. I used to play video games since I 4th years old, until now i like to play my video games platform if i'm boring or got no place to go somewhere. I'm a lazy boy, i always like that on my home.

The Things What Will I Do When I'm Older

 All of us obviously have an imagination about when you are older, i've my imagination when i'm older. When i'm older i wanna be wise guy and married on age of 30 and also already repay my father & mother hardworks and having only two childrens and have lot of companies and own it myself.
  This is maybe look simple but i don't think so because to be success is hard to get something easily without a hardwork and pray. Sometimes dream is more easier than have to do it.
  And also i want to be a rich guy when i'm older and be the leader of the pack of my family and makes my family proud. And when i'm older everyone will turn their head on me and respect me, i will look like my father but i'm more than my father and i will proud of it. My expectations will help me to get success with my hardwork also and will makes like me and my parents want to be.

God Is Important and It's Number 1 Priority

We were created by the creator and the creator itself is Lord Jesus Christ.
  For me, have God is the most precious things and the best things that i ever have. Sometimes i wonder if people who doesn't has God would has a difficult time if they have a problem to solve with and  it think it's pathetic because they don't have a Teacher and Someone who can be proud of.
  God is a person you can be proud of and He makes your life better. Maybe if i don't have God i can't be strong. But if you have God in you and have Faith in Him your life is precious and safe, because God promised me that anyone who follow Him will safe on Him.
  So i just tell you that having God is the best thing happen in your life. First thing you must to do if you want to follow Lord Jesus is put your Faith in Him, and you will be safe. I'm proud because i'm the son of God.

The Most Important Thing I Will Ever Do

  A most important thing is like a responsible because you need it to makes a goal for you life.
   The most important thing i will ever do is repay my Mom's & Dad's hard work that they gave to me. I will buy them much house i can buy and also i will buy them much cars i can buy. Why i will do that? because i think if you repay your mom's & dad's hard work that they gave to you, you will got an unlimited value of that and you won't be difficult to have something especially luxuries.
   I dream to this things since i was on 11th grade, since 11th grade i already have my own prospect and vision and of course my mission of living. I wanna show everybody especially my Mom & Dad that i can be what they want and makes them proud.
   I really want to continue the legacy of my family, because in our tradition if someone who can't continue the legacy of their family they will talk about you and it's a sad right. That's what the important thing i will ever do in my life.

Israel is the Place that I Want to Really Go!

  I have a place in my mind that i would most like to's Israel. I really love to go there because that's where my Lord Jesus was born. I have heard many story from the people who already been there, they said the place is Holy and Promised like it said on The Holy Bible.
  Our Lord himself is a Jewish but He comes to earth to taught us about God & Christianity. Yeah, Israel makes me curious because the History of Him. Many conspiracy about Israel and USA and Palestine but i don't care though.
  Israel is famous with Jews, Christian, and Jesus. I'm just curious with the cultures, the places, there is also place like Jerusalem, Nazareth, Golgota Hills. All of that places are known because of Jesus and His 12 Followers. I would really love to go there even just for 1 day and i also want to go to the Famous Church in Israel.
  You can see from these pictures below why i really want to go there

My Opinion about the Best Hour of The Day

 Everyone must have the best hour of the day, right? The best hour of the day makes you more excited than before and makes you more enjoy to pass the day. In my opinion the best hour of the day could be with your boyfriend/girlfriend or maybe your family, you spend the time with them.
  Some people who don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend maybe spend the best hour of the day with sleeping or take a walk alone or maybe with their friends to hangout. But i will describe the best hour of the day by my way, i like to spend my day with playing video games i like to play FIFA on PS3, those things makes more interest rather than i have to spent money and waste your time with no used.
  But if everyone do things like me and they don't really like it is not  a best hour of the day, it gonna be the bored hour of the day of your life. I just tell my own best hour of the day. The best hour of the day will also makes you remember of what you did.
That's me how i describe the best hour of the day.

Shyness Is A Part of Life

  Sometimes shyness is a problem among the people in the world, they solve their shyness with plastic surgery, hiding themselves in the closet or maybe wear a mask to go somewhere. Shyness can makes people crazy because shyness can makes people not confidence.
  Shyness also needed when people who has much confidence like celebrity/model to get along with their competitors. An incident that illustrates shyness is when you are a confidence person, you feel someday that anyone look more pretty than you and you suggested to have a plastic surgery.
  Plastic surgery is popular among the people who have shyness because they shy of themselves and like to be another person rather than be themselves. And also shyness is not about plastic surgery only, when a person is on new neighbourhood , they like to get shy of themselves because it's gonna be difficult to adapt with every person you don't know before.
That's my opinion.

It's About My Dreams

  These things are my opinion about dreams that come true.
My dream came true when i'm study now in Philippine, the dream is i just want to study outside my country, Indonesia. And i want to show everyone that i can study outside and i can follow. It happened because God, and everyone beside me that always help me to makes me like this. I'm really happy and excited to study here.
  I'm happy and excited about study outside Indonesia because i think that study outside own country is much have a potential, so any companies would like to have you to employ in their companies. And your own country will see you as a man who have great potential.
  My country have a lot competitor, that's why i think i like to study in here in Philippine and the reason is cheap thing in here. A dream would not be came true if you don't have spirits and faith of God. A dream came true is not just a dream, it's also a thing that you must fight along with, and it's not easy like you flip your hand back. And also a dream that came true is things you dream for a long time to accomplish the dream with any way how to fulfill and achieved it.
That's how i describe a dream that came true. Thank you.

If I Had Three Wishes, What It Would Be?

In Aladdin we seen that Aladdin was given a three wishes by The Genie and obviously everyone want to like that. I like to shared with you about my wishes.
  If i had three wishes, what would they be?
If i had three wishes, they would be:
1. Success and Being Rich
I like to being success without studying because i admit myself that i'm lazy and i want to makes my parents proud and i wanna being rich. I want to buy house for my parents and cars. and save the money in the bank. Become the most successful businessman ever and have a lot of company and grow it.
  2. Taller than before and have a great shape
My height is only 173 and my weight is 73 kg, that's makes me want to wish something like that. Because i think i'm not ideal i want same height as Cristiano Ronaldo, he's 186,5 cm and 80 kg. My height is a minimum of european's women have. And also i want to have a great shape with less fat, more look muscular and muscle.
  3. Have a nice personality
I don't really have a nice personality, my thought about my personality that is i'm not confidence at all, selfish, and too cold sometimes that's why i wish to have a nice personality and be a better man and hope that i can be like that.
That's my 3 wishes.

My Favorite Hobby! :)

  My hobby is a playing soccer, playing guitar and sleeping. Why do i enjoy it? because when i get bored i like to playing guitar and playing soccer with my friends. If i got bored and sad i like to playing guitar alone in my room and singing alone to remove my stress, sad, and boring. Sometimes it's just only chilling with my guitar and rocking on my guitar. I don't have friends in my neighbourhood, my friend is only in home and my school because i like to hangout with my friends on school.
  On Jakarta, Indonesia after graduated, me and my friends always playing futsal every friday afternoon and after playing futsal me and my friends hangout on 711 sometimes we didn't hangout but go with a car to see Jakarta at night because i always come home late when i go with them and i enjoy it. But sometimes i hangout on my school because we got a place to hangout there. I don't really like to hangout because i'm a homeboy.

  I also love sleeping because when i don't do anything i choose sleeping. But on school day sometimes i got trouble sleeping or insomn so that's why i came late to school. On holiday, i usually sleep on 3-4 am and i wake up on 1 pm, it's really a long time sleeping because when i don't get much sleep my head always hurt and my eyes come tear. Same as my purpose above why i enjoy with sleeping because when i got tired or got sad i suddenly sleep and makes me calmly.

A Year Full of Memories

  It's a bad memories for everyone who miss their exs and here's one of my story
My favorite year was my 17th birthday it's on 2011 and that's so special. Why i told you that it's my special year? because on that year i was being legal on Indonesia, it's weird right? legal on 17th on Indonesia. And also on my 17th birthday on 2011 my girlfriend was there. That's my first time when my girlfriend come to my birthday party and she also planned the birthday party with my family.
  My girlfriend's family and my family know each other. And my family are going to plan the birthday party with my girlfriend. The story begins here, it was on February 15th 2011 that i was on grade 11th and it's my 6th month anniversary with my girlfriend, her name is Cindy Clara. Me and my family are going to dinner on Hard Rock cafe but suddenly my dad drive us to Bengkel Cafe Night Park the place that my birthday party was held.
  I was surprised when i entered the room because the room's light off and then when i coming in the light suddenly on and my sister and my friend and also my girlfriend was there. I was happy and also excited because i never had this on my life that my girlfriend also there on my birthday. My friends, my sister gave me the gift birthday and also my girlfriend give me a gift, the gift was a scrapbook about me and her when we were met at the first time and until 6th month aniversary. We're drinking, singing karaoke, laughing and we were having a party until night drop, and my mom & dad drive her to her house. So that's my story about my favorite time of year, and you can also see the picture below my ex made it for me.

My Feelings about the Competition Included with Friends, School, Sports

  This is my impressions about anythings about the competition.
I'm going to retell the story about i had a competition and it's 3 years ago, when i was 9th grade. I was a goalkeeper for my school's Futsal team. I always to playing a soccer/futsal on my school and also in my neighbourhood . My most hobby is playing a soccer and i'm sure i can play in any position but my coach let me to play as a goalkeeper because he always saw me playing as a goalkeeper.
  It was my final year on junior high school on 9th grade and we had a competition, and it's going to be on 3 months later. I'm the number 1 goalkeeper on my school and my teammates are all my friends in school so i knew them a lot and we always playing together. When i was choosed as the #1 goalkeeper i was so happy and excited about the futsal team and the competition that will be going on 3 months later.
  My feeling about the competition is really happy and really excited because i never competed on any competition so that's the event that i can show off. The competition's starting and we all going to the place that held the competition with a bus. Our team got no experience because we only sparring with just 2 teams and we only training 3 months, that's make my team lost with much goal allowed in my goal. So the bottomline is if i will compete on competition i already have the experience and how to taking care of the nervous and be the winner.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Lovely Family :D

  Every people have a family, right? and you can't live without them. I'm going to tell you some secrets about my family.
I have a Parents, and Sister. My Father's name is Sondy Andrey Ngoyem, and My Mother's name is Mathilda Pattinama, and My Sister's name is Stevanny Lusiana. My father is now 49th years old and my mother is now 43rd years old and my sister is now 17th years old. My father's job is a businessman of mining project, my mom's job is a housewife, and my sister's job is now a student.
   My parents have a a bit different personalities between two of them, they're different because my Dad is more romantic rather than my Mom, my Mom is a cool person same as me, but my Dad & Mom are humorist, they like to joking and laughing with me and my sister. My sister is very different with me, she's like to not talking about her life specially her love life and she's more like to talk with her friends rather than talking with us.
   Me, myself Teddy Matthew is just an ordinary person, if i got problem i like to talking it with my parents, especially my Mom, my Mom is a good listener. She always give me a good hint to makes my way as a good personal, i like to talking with my dad also but not as much as my Mom, my Dad is a hard-workingman  and he's always on home on 11 pm or sometimes if he doesn't has any much work he came home earlier. I will talk more about the differences about my mom and my dad. My mom has same personalities as me that she doesn't really like a serious about guy, she's just like me, i'm not serious either if i have a girlfriend. My dad is same as my sister, he likes romantic things, it's just the same as my sister.
   That's me how i describe my family.

These are My Family ---->


    Greetings! :) Welcome to my blog, correctly my new blog! I just made one, Mr. Dustin made me the blog. Firstly i want to introduce myself. My name is Teddy Matthew, i'm now study on Asia Pacific College located on 3 Humabon, Magallanes, Makati City, Philippine. I'm on first year AY: 2012-2013 and my course is Business Management . I just enrolled on September 28th 2012, and i attended on 2nd term. I'm just a regular student, it's kinda difficult to adapt because i just here on 2nd term. I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia, i was graduated from Pangudi Luhur High School on June 2012.
    I'd like to tell my High School, my High school is a Men Only school, and it's free school, what i mean free is that my school allowed the student to having a long hair even looked like a girl! And my school allowed us to wear a free attire every Friday. It's a known school in Jakarta. That's just a short things about my High School.
    My reason to study here in Philippine because i like the situation here and also i want to makes my Parents proud, and want to continue the legacy. That's it from me, hope you enjoy my blog! :)